
6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900
6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900

6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900

Boar d Pre sid ent T err enc e Best was surpris ed by the tie vote. Anthony Guariglia was absent from the meeting, but Linsk ey pointed out that Guariglia voted against the budget at the most recent prelimin ary readin g and speculat ed that he might have voted “no” again. Board members Richard Gorz- kows ki, Ross Latona, Marilyn Starna and Terrence Best voted for the budge t Robe rt Linsk ey, Bruce Knick, Martin Quinn and Mark Singer voting against. A mill is a $1 tax for each $1,000 of assessed property value. If it had passed, the $40.8 mil- lio n bu dg et wo uld ha ve in- creased millage from 12.7990s to 13. If a budget is not agreed upon by July 1, then the School Dis- trict will not be able to pay its bills. PITTST ON - The Pittston Ar- ea Sc ho ol Bo ar d fa il ed to achieve the votes needed to pass its 201 1-20 12 budget during a special meeting Monday night. “Ou r mis sio n is to tra in for the workplace … do we believe in spor ts? Ye s, we do … bu t when we have to cut $1 96,000, it’ s instruct ional versu s non-in- structional programs … This de- cision is not one we are pleased “We were charged with (mak- ing ) a 3 per cent redu ctio n in ope rat ing cost s,” said Nan cy Tkach, the school’ s incoming administrative director. Oth er s sai d th e cut s we re necessary to prevent reductions in academic and vocational pro- grams. “We didn’t cut sports in our own distri cts, why shou ld we cut them here?” said committee Pre side nt Butc h Ro ssi fro m Lake-Lehman before casting his no vote. The budge t include d $191,598 in cuts that effectively eliminate the five sports played at the school, and several board memb ers said the y coul dn’ t su ppo rt the pl an be cau se of that. PRINGLE - The fate of the sports programs at W est Side Career & Technology Center of- ficially rests in the hands of the five sending districts after the school’ s Joint Operating Com- mittee voted 8-6 to cut funding for athletic s from the 201 1- 12 budget. Caravel la would also force him to watch pornographic He told of how he was repeat- edly coerced into having sexual interco ursewith Hannduring the past few years, with Caravella of- ten watching and directing him what to do. The alread y distur bing case tookanevenmoresini ste r turnin January 2011 when the boy, who was then in the custod y of a rela- tive, confided to a counselor that hehad alle ged ly end ure d yea rsof sexu al abusecommittedby Hann and Caravella, according to po- lice. He didn’t know howto bath e hims elfor brus h his teeth and ate with his hands be- causehedidn’tknowhowtousea knife and fork. They also discove red a filthy, scaredand sociall y withdr awn13- year-ol d boy who,they wouldlat- er lea rn,lacke d eve n themostba- sic social skills. 19, 2010, a Plymouth pol ice offi cer and case wor ke r from Children and Youth Servic- es ente red the Gou ld Str eet home and found it to be filled with garba ge, rottin g foot and urine-soaked towels on the bath- roo m floo r,accor dingto cour t re- cords.

6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900

As they looked into the case, county detectives learned that a tee nag e boywas livi ng at thePly- mouth home of the girls’ alleged assailan t, Robe rt Carave lla, 52, andhiswife,Caro lAnn Han n,43. But itsoonbe- came apparent this investigation would be anyth ing but routine. Thecase is amongdozensof al- leged child sexual assaults inves- tigate d by Luzerne County au- thor itie seachyear.

6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900

PLYMOUTH – It began as a routine investigation: Tw o girls, ages 15 and 10, had come forward in August 2010 to alle getheyhad bee n sex uall y mo- lested by a relative.

6 pin road devil d104 cre 8900